
You can call me embroidery addict: handmade instagram of the week


Katie says she feels most comfortable when she has a needle and thread in her hands.

About the page author

“Hi, I'm Katie,” our today's heroine, who lives and works in Lincoln, in the UK, introduces herself. I never feel so comfortable than when I have a needle and thread in my hands. I don’t have any fixed working hours because I am passionate about my work. I can say that I live and breathe in embroidery, or that I embroidery addict! "

It is interesting visually and tactilely: a handmade instagram of the week.

What is this page about

Katie makes embroidered panels, pictures, home textiles, embroiders on clothes and even shoes, in particular on sneakers. Most often this is embroidery in a traditional style, charmingly and freshly looking on modern things and in the same interiors.

Embroidery calmed my mind: handmade instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

Katie's page will surely be interesting to everyone who embroiders: here you will find new ideas and inspiration.

More photos: @knittyknotts

There is something from high fashion: a handmade instagram of the week

I began to embroider for the sake of pleasure, but this opened up before me many opportunities: needlework instagram of the week

Landscapes on a chain: handmade instagram of the week

Textiles are my passion: handmade instagram of the week

Sea-inspired stitches: handmade instagram of the week


Watch the video: Get Tons of SEWING Requests? How to Say No! LIVE SHOW. SEWING REPORT (June 2024).