
Red caviar


This small product has a great symbolic meaning. If caviar is on the table, then life is a success.

This product is unique. It has no harmful saturated fats, but many healthy omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Add to this vitamins A, C and D, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, lecithin, and it turns out that each egg is like a mini-capsule with biologically active additives.
Not worth it. Firstly, due to excess salt. Secondly, because there is too much useful in caviar. The body will have to spend additional energy on processing all the nutrients. And thirdly, it is easy to overeat - so that then for many years one type of this product will cause nausea. Remember the customs officer Vereshchagin from the "White Sun of the Desert". He did not pretend when he said that he couldn’t already "have this damn caviar."
Processing method. Grain caviar, before salting, is passed through a special sieve, which allows you to clean it from the films and thereby separate the eggs from each other. The salivary gland is salted in its original form, and then slightly dried, so there is less liquid in it. It is stored in a closed form for longer, but after opening the can, it must be eaten in one to two days. Red and black caviar can be granular, while black caviar can be granular.
Is it true that black caviar is more useful than red?
In fact, they contain approximately the same set of nutrients. And the difference in price is due only to the fact that sturgeon fish (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon), the "suppliers" of black caviar, are much less in nature than salmon. In addition, salmon spawn in fresh water, making a difficult journey from the sea to the rivers. There, after spawning, they die. And in order to get red caviar, it is enough, as the fishermen say, to know the place.
Her ideal “partners” are bread, crackers, green salad and boiled eggs. Of the drinks - mineral water, champagne and white wine. It’s not worth it to drink tea, coffee, cognac and liquors, they have too bright a taste that will kill caviar. Do not combine caviar with meat snacks, pies, olivier and herring under a fur coat: the stomach may not stand it.
No. They make it from sodium alginate, which is extracted from seaweed - Fucus and kelp. Therefore, manufacturers do not dissemble, saying that alginic caviar is a natural product. Another thing is to make it look like a "prototype" - red or black caviar - it is artificially shaped into grains, salt, flavoring additives are added to it and food coloring is used. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to eat. Alginic caviar is an inexpensive product (50−70 rubles per jar), low-fat and low-calorie (12−18 kcal / 100 g of product). In addition, it contains iodine and a powerful antioxidant - alginic acid.
1. Inspect the can. Whatever it is made of - from tin or glass - there should be no damage or traces of rust on it. Otherwise, microorganisms can get into it, and the product will begin to deteriorate.The advantages of a glass jar is that you can see eggs in it. Plus glass, unlike tin, does not affect the taste of the product.
2. See the date of the catch. Caviar caught in July-August, the most excellent quality.
3. Turn the can over. The product should move inside: if the caviar mass is motionless, then there is too little moisture in it.
4. Examine the label. It is good if GOST is indicated on it, and it is also written that the product belongs to the first grade. This means that the eggs are perfectly sized. In addition, the label should have two dates: product manufacturing and packaging. The caviar produced in the catching areas, in theory, should be better than the one that was "made" in Moscow or other non-fish places.
5. Read the composition. Ideal: caviar, salt, oil and preservatives E200, E211. There are no caviar without preservatives: if they are not indicated, the manufacturer is disingenuous.
6. After opening, look at the inside of the lid: there should not be any sticking eggs.
7. Scoop the eggs with a spoon and examine. Good caviar is assorted, dense and resilient. If it flows like a liquid, and the eggs are “blown away”, most likely, it was frozen or completely damaged before pickling. Other signs of a poor-quality product: foreign matter (blood clots, a large number of films), as well as bubbles and white plaque. Drops of moisture on the walls of the can are the result of the manufacturer overdoing it with vegetable oil.
8. Smell it. The smell should be pleasant, fishy, ​​but weak. Strong says that the caviar is stale or perhaps artificially flavored.
On a note
• The most valuable is caviar of pink salmon and chum salmon. It has an amber or yellow-orange color with brilliance and a mild, pleasant taste. The caviar of the remaining salmon species is brick-red in color and slightly bitter.
• Caviar is indispensable if you need to restore strength after a long illness, stress. But hypertensive patients and people suffering from peptic ulcer disease, kidney disease and obesity, eating it is not recommended. And even if there is, then in homeopathic doses and only pasteurized, it has less salt.
• This product is low in calories. Despite the rich content of protein and fats, 100 g of caviar only 240-260 kcal. In a sandwich with caviar (without oil) - about 80 kcal, so there will definitely be no harm to the figure!
• Red caviar is a powerful aphrodisiac, so during a romantic dinner it will be very welcome.
The article was published on the basis of the journal "Good advice" 12/2014
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
