
My face cream


Every day we use facial skin care products. And one of the main means that every woman should have is a moisturizer.

Looking for the best in a cosmetics store, women often wonder: "Which cream to buy?" A new care product must certainly meet all the requirements in order to get the desired effect from its use.

Mark Clinique A few years ago, she conducted a study around the world, and it turned out that women in the USA, Mexico and Europe could not live a day without a moisturizer. But how to choose what you need? Beauty Editor DS Anastasia Zaripova discusses this topic withTatyana Puchkova, candidate of biological sciences, president of the National Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Russia, chairman of the board of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetics Association.

AZ: In 1967, an article was published in Vogue magazine “Can you create great skin?” Then it was a sensation. Today, we are sure that it is daily care that makes beautiful skin. But how to choose your cream?

TP: This is the most frequently asked question. But to name the brand does not mean to solve the problem. Skin condition depends on genetics, season, nutrition, age, health status. It’s more correct to ask myself - what do I expect from a cream? You can conduct an experiment: put ten people at the table and put in front of them twenty jars with different creams. Everyone will choose his own. Because behind the words "I want a good cream" there is a whole list of un voiced desires, which seem to be the same for everyone, but in reality each has his own.

AZ: But I, for example, understand what exactly I expect from the remedy!

TP: Here you are laughing, but in fact, most women can not formulate this simple goal - that the skin was in good condition and looked well-groomed. The task of any product is to improve the quality of the skin and maintain it. And for this, hydration and nutrition are equally necessary. Many women are sure that they have dry skin, and think that they need, first of all, moisturizers. And the skin first needs intensive nutrition and only then moisturizing.

AZ: But how to understand that the skin lacks nutrition?

TP: Is it dry to the touch? It means that there are few lipids (fats), the water-lipid film on the skin surface of most residents of the metropolis is depleted ... Does the skin look tired? She needs "feed".

AZ: Nourishing creams are dense, but I want the cream to be weightless and light. Like, for example, vibes, gels ...

TP: Now you have touched on a very important topic. The cosmetics industry has created a huge amount of such products. But gels cannot nourish the skin; their composition does not imply the oils necessary for the skin. I am not saying that gel or fluid is bad. They moisturize, serve as conductors for active substances, but just do not nourish. Nutrients contain fatty acids, phospholipids, lecithin. Recent studies show that women with dry skin lack cholesterol. And this is the most important component for cell membranes.Try for 3 weeks to eat a piece of butter and see how soft the skin will become, even in winter.

AZ: Choosing a good cream, a good emulsion is not easy ...

TP: Yes, not easy. Only trial and error. And it is very important to remember the correct application technique, because this is 50% effective.

Here is a proven tip: take a fat cream, apply it in a thick layer, spreading it over the face with your palms. If the cream is quickly absorbed, add more and walk around with this mask. Do this for a week, and then moisturize your skin. And you will see how grateful she will respond!


UNIVERSAL: Our skin really needs oils, especially for residents of the metropolis. Look for them and the vitamins in the composition of the nourishing cream. Do not neglect makeup with a dense texture.

Fat cream can be used as a mask for a week.

SKIN resuscitation: If the skin is very dry, irrigate it with slightly salted water and apply a little grape seed oil, previously warmed in the palms. This procedure is very good for the hands as well. Oil perfectly softens and nourishes dry skin.

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 02/2013

Photo: PR; Legion media


Watch the video: DIY NATURAL MOISTURIZERS. Acne Prone, Oily u0026 Dry Skin (January 2025).