
Why does hair fall out and what to do about it?


Stress, fatigue, illness - there are many causes of hair loss. Our tips will help you stop the unpleasant process and stimulate the growth of hair.

Together with we understand the causes of hair loss, and also take emergency measures to correct the situation!
The most common cause of hair loss is stress. Under the influence of adrenaline, a spasm of the vessels supplying the bulb occurs, and the access of blood to it is blocked. Our curls and tough ultraviolet rays, which manage to inflict considerable damage on strands over the summer, are tired. But soft ultraviolet, on the contrary, strengthens the bulbs and is successfully used by trichologists.

Was there a loss?

During the day, normally we lose from 50 to 100, a maximum of 150 hair. But this is in theory, in practice it happens in different ways. Didn’t wash my hair for a week, gathered hair in a ponytail and walked like this all day? Then do not panic when you see a carpet of hair at the bottom of the bathtub after a shower. A 500-700 piece may well end up there, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The phase of active hair growth (anagen) continues in women 5-7 years old. The strands rest for only a few weeks (catagen phase): at this time the bulb dries up, coarsens and shifts closer to the surface.
Then the transition period begins - telogen, which takes 3 months: a new bulb pushes the old one out and the hair falls out.
Healthy hair: how to eliminate brittleness and thinning

Normally, 70% of our hair grows at a rate of 1-1.5 cm per month in the anagen phase, 20% are in the catagenic "nirvana" and another 10% are prepared "with things to exit" from their cozy nest, reaching the telogen. Problems begin if the telogen phase is delayed, and not a tenth of the head of hair is in it, but much more. Then we notice that the hair is climbing with terrible force. This happens after childbirth: during pregnancy, hair loss slows down, and then they leave their head in unison. And hair begins to climb after 2-4 months after taking antibiotics, when you have long forgotten that you drank some ampicillin there.

Test: norm or pathology

Test 3 days after shampooing. Put your fingers in the hair at the roots, clench your fists and drag down to the very ends of the hair. "Comb" so the whole head, collecting the remaining hair in his hands on a sheet of paper.
Result: Are there more than 15? There is cause for concern! 10 times more hair can fall out during the day, but 15 pieces at a time is too much. Assess the condition of the bulbs with a magnifier. If they are light, with clear outlines, everything is in order: hair changes take their course. And if dark, shrunken, then the hair climb for a reason.

What to do: trichologist's advice

It is impossible to stop the loss of those hairs that had long had to leave their heads, because they have already outlived their own. But you can stimulate those remaining in the anagen state to grow.
Vitamins A, C and Group B help hair grow quickly and densely, plus vitamin H (biotin), the main friend of the hair.Its deficiency is the most common cause of hair problems. There is a lot of it in beef and pork, as well as (in decreasing order) in eggs, corn, peas, oatmeal, wheat seedlings, cod. cream cheese and sea buckthorn. By the way, shampoos and masks based on sea buckthorn perfectly strengthen the hair roots.
Not everyone knows, but one of the secret enemies of hair is cervical osteochondrosis. When the nerve roots are infringed between the damaged vertebrae, the tone of the vessels supplying the bulbs is disturbed and the hair thinns ... To avoid this, regularly massage the back of the neck and shoulders, paying special attention to pain points. If the hair began to fall out strongly, it makes sense to check the thyroid gland. Perhaps the cause is iodine deficiency.
Add the prepared food with iodized salt (iodine evaporates from it when boiled), eat seaweed, seafood. At the same time, take a blood test for red blood cells, hemoglobin and serum iron. If it is not enough, as is the case with anemia, the cells of the hair follicles “suffocate”.
The best sources of iron are liver, kidney, and red meat sprinkled with lemon. In an acidic environment, iron is better absorbed.

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Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Treatment for hair loss in women (January 2025).