
Green beautician: what fruits and vegetables are useful for personal care


You don’t have to go far for beauty: useful ingredients will probably be found in the garden, in the refrigerator or in the market.

Together with we figure out what vegetables and fruits will help us in the struggle for beauty!


Masks based on it will literally make the skin soft and velvety! After all, it contains:
• carotene, moisturizing and restoring dry skin;
• retinol, fighting peeling, inflammation and fissures;
• potassium, which maintains an optimal water balance of the skin.
Moisturizing mask
Mash the flesh of 4 apricots with a fork, having previously removed the skin from them. Add 1 tsp. honey, 1 yolk, ½ tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l semolina porridge in milk. Apply to face, cover with gauze and after 20 minutes, wash with warm water. Do the course: 1 time in 5 days. In total, 10 procedures are needed.
The recipe for a delicious apricot pie is also useful.


Most often they talk about the benefits of grape seed oil. But fresh, elastic berries are no less valuable ingredient for beauty, especially for dull, damaged hair coloring.
• Vitamins C, A, H, K, P, PP and group B, iron, silicon nourish the hair roots, contributing to their growth.
• Phytosterols have an antioxidant effect, preventing hair damage from UV rays.
For hair restoration
A small bunch of chopped seed grapes and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 1 tbsp. spoonful of linseed oil and honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the hair for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo and conditioner.


Did you also wipe your face with cucumber slices? You can also make supermasks from its pulp. Enzymes contained in the pulp:
• lighten freckles and pigmentation;
• possessing high acidity, the pulp deeply cleanses the skin, providing an antibacterial effect.
Against dryness
Mix 1 tbsp. l pulp of cucumber and slightly warm olive oil extra vergine. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Wash yourself.

A tomato

Few people know about the anti-aging and antioxidant properties of tomatoes!
They are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that supports youth.
In 100 g of tomatoes - about 30% of the daily dose of vitamin A, which maintains the softness of the skin.
Anti-aging mask
Mix ripe tomato puree with egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l chopped oatmeal in a blender. Apply on face for half an hour.
Tomatoes allow you to "look good" not only outside but also from the inside.


It is difficult to overestimate its benefits to the skin! The tubers contain:
• B vitamins that promote the production of collagen and elastin.
• up to 75% of water, thanks to which the skin is perfectly moisturized.
Nourishing Hand Mask
Dilute 3 boiled potatoes with warm milk to a smoothie consistency. You can add 2 tsp. lemon juice, if you want to lighten pigmentation. Put on hands for 20 minutes and put on plastic gloves. Rinse off first with warm, then cold water.


Once you try the cabbage mask, you won’t want to stop. The effect is instant. The thing is that ...
• Vitamin C in white cabbage juice is no less than in citrus. And he, as you know, has a protective and wound healing effect.
• Folic, tartronic, pantothenic acids make cabbage a powerful bleaching agent. Just remember - after such a mask you need to apply cream with SPF.
Against pigmentation
Beat 1 egg yolk and gently mix with 200 g of mashed cabbage so that the egg foam does not settle. Apply on face for 30 minutes. Wipe your face with tonic.


In the heat, watermelon can easily compete with thermal water!
• It is 90% composed of water enriched in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sucrose.
• Vitamins C, PP and beta-carotene even out the tone of the face.
Express freshness
An ideal recipe for a beach or a summer residence when you are in the sun and you feel that you are “sunbathing”. Soak a towel or cloth in watermelon juice and lay on your face for at least 30 minutes.

You will find even more interesting articles about beauty on the website!


Watch the video: All Natural Anti-Aging Secrets: Diet, Skincare u0026 Lifestyle Tips To Prevent Aging Skin (January 2025).